Sunday, 9 September 2012

My 'quiet book'

I love to make things but tend to flitter between cooking, knitting sewing...I seem to have a short attention span! I have been knitting lots over the last couple of months but am becoming increasingly frustrated that most baby knits are gender specific. I'm beginning to think Tony was right; we should have found out the sex!

I recently came across 'quiet books' when searching through some other blogs and have become inspired to make my own. I know it won't be of any interest to the baby for many months but figured I might not have much time (or energy) for sewing once baby has arrived. Besides I know I need to act whilst I am interested and before I get distracted by another project!

I have been particularly inspired by a quiet book made by Jill. She has some really lovely photos and a good tutorial on her blog (homemade by Jill). So far I have made three pages and have some ideas for others, which I hope to work on over the next couple of weeks. As of yet I haven't bought anything to bind my book nor have I sussed out how to use the buttonhole maker on my sewing machine- that will be next weekend's job. 

I am really loving this project as I am finding I can be more creative than in my knitting as I am not following a pattern. I am however finding that sewing is a more painful hobby than knitting!

This was my first page. I took inspiration directly from Jill for this page (thank you!) and was really pleased with how it turned out.
I plan to add some text but not sure what yet. As I intend this to be my first page I may have 'this book belongs to.....' but hoping something more interesting will come to mind!

I want the pages to be interactive and hope that as baby grows they will be able to play with it rather than just chew on it! I am hoping my lettering will improve with practice.


I think this is my favourite page so far. I placed some crinkly plastic behind the leaves so they sound really cool when you touch them.

I will update you with the other pages I make in the coming weeks.


  1. Love the book pages, I want to touch them to get the full effect! Should put some of your knitting on here too x

  2. Hi Bets love all the stuff ,where is the baby going to sleep ?
